

Hermann Bredehorst is a photojournalist and award winning photographer based in Berlin, Germany and available for assignments. 

He is a regular contributer to Germanys leading news magazine DER SPIEGEL. 

Commissioned works have appeared in leading newspapers and magazines like, Die Zeit, Focus, Time, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Business Week, Le Monde, Le Journal du Dimanche, HUMO, LExpress, Bloomberg Markets.  

Corporate work had been assigned by companies such as: Siemens AG, Gillette, Exxon Mobile, Sagem, Gemalto, Shell, Brioni and on a regular basis the German NGOs Brot für die Welt and Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe. 

2004 Selecion Premio Internacional de Fotografía Humanitaria Luis Valtueña for "Chachemira" 

2005 Grant VG Bild Kunst "Sin Papeles - Illegale Immigranten in Spanien" 

Rueckblende 2010 3rd price Herta Mueller 

2017 Short List 2nd Hansel Mieth Award Der SPIEGEL 

2020 Fotonostrum Magazine Issue No 6 14 pages feature "Hermann Bredehorst, Photography as Social and Historical Documentation" 

2020 Short List Monovisions Award "Fridays for Future Berlin" 

2020 Roma Life in the Time of Coronavirus, Group Exhibition, 'Corona Protest Berlin' 

2020 IPA 2020 Honorable Mention Editorial / Press, Contemporary issues: Title: Protest Against Corona Restrictions, Berlin 

2020 IPA 2020 Honorable Mention, Editorial / Press, Contemporary issues  

2021 Spiederwawards Honorable Mention 'Fridays for Future Demo Berlin 

2021 Winner of BJP and 1854, Decade of Change - Greta Thunberg attends a "Fridays for Future" protest, Berlin 

2021 Winner 1854 and British Journal of Photography in collaboration with New Art City, Berlin Lockdown 

2021 Winner BJP Edition365 Berlin Lockdown Series  

2021 Grant VG Bild  

2022 Two current personal projects have received a VG Bild fellowship.  

2023 Finalist Hellerau Portrait Award "Surface" and Exhibition for SPREE 

2024 Shortlist Taylor Wessing Photo Portrait Prize 2024 - National Portrait Gallery​ London GB